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Bookbinding Services are one of the few bookbinders in South Africa who still bind all our books by hand and we are so grateful to those who still appreciate this art. Bookbinding is our passion and we have been able to continue on this venture with thanks to all the loyal support from our customers over the years.
Popular tags: Book binding service, Bookbinding services, Bookbinders in South Africa, Book binding, Book binding materials
It is hard to believe that it’s already the last month of the year, 2017 has truly flown by.
There are many bookbinders in South Africa to choose from and we are endlessly grateful to all of our customers for choosing Bookbinding Services as your preferred service provider.
Popular tags: bookbinders in South Africa, bookbinding services
The year has started off with a bang at Bookbinding Services. As usual, students were knocking at our door from day one looking to get their theses bound!
Last month, we were given a book binding project by Hog Hollow Country Lodge, a breath-taking lodge found on the garden route.
Popular tags: Bookbinding Services, book binding, Menu Cover, Bookbinding Services South Africa, bookbinders in South Africa, Thesis Binding, Law Report Binding, Journal Binding, School Book Repairs, Book Repairs
The academic year can be tough, not only on the student but also on their books. And with the economy under such pressure, who can really afford to replace school books these days?
Fortunately, Bookbinding Services offers book repair to the whole of South Africa, making sure no damaged book goes ignored.
Popular tags: Bookbinding Services, book repair, School book repairs South Africa, bookbinders in South Africa, school book repairs, book binding, Bible repairs, Dictionary repairs, Cookbook repairs, book restoration, book re-backing, Book re-casing, Book re-binding, Book resewing, Book recovering
At Bookbinding Services, the majority of our bookbinding projects consists of binding various loose issues of South African Law Reports and Legal Journals into bound volumes for legal professionals.
Attorneys, Advocates, High Courts and Magistrates Courts as well as Universities make use of our services.
The South African Law Reports is the leading source of South African judicial jurisprudence and the most widely referred to source of primary legal precedent in South Africa.
Popular tags: Bookbinding Services, bookbinding projects, Bookbinding Services South Africa, genuine leather binding, imitation leather binding, bookbinders in South Africa
At Bookbinding Services Port Elizabeth, we believe strongly in protecting the environment, preserving our heritage and of course, book binding.
In all our years as bookbinders in South Africa, we have restored and repaired family Bibles, and have completed hundreds of school book repairs, through which we have helped our customers play an active role in protecting Mother Nature.
Popular tags: Bookbinding Services Port Elizabeth, Book binding, bookbinders in South Africa, repaired family Bibles, school book repairs, repair old books, repair school books, preserve heritage books, Repairing books, book repair services, Book binding, Re-backing books, Re-casing books, Re-binding books, Resewing books, Recovering books
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